Stage M2: Classification and analysis of protein-carbohydrate interactions

 Stage · Stage M2  · 6 mois    Bac+5 / Master   Biologie intégrée du globule rouge (UMR_S 1134) - Inserm & Université de Paris · Paris (France)


protein structure protein-carbohydrate interactions structural bioinformatics machine learning


Protein-carbohydrate (PC) interactions play a key role in various biological processes. However, as compared to protein-protein or drug-protein interactions,  PC interactions remain much less studied due to the difficulties related to their experimental investigation. Systematic analysis of the  available structural data and application of the recent machine learning technique for the development of the carbohydrate binding site prediction tools is the main goal of the SugarPred project funded by ANR this year. The recruited master student will participate in the first stage of SugarPred consisting in careful preparation of the structural data of protein-carbohydrate complexes and application of the unsupervised machine learning methods for identification of interaction patterns distinguishing different types of carbohydrate binding sites. The results of the internship will be summarized in a publicly available database and scientific publication and will be further used for the development of the deep learning prediction tools in the framework of SugarPred project. 


Procédure :

Date limite : None


Dr. Tatiana Galochkina

Offre publiée le 30 septembre 2021, affichage jusqu'au 28 novembre 2021